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Presentation of the book "Cossacks in Central Europe"

On November 20, 2020, a presentation of the book "Cossacks in Central Europe" by Russian author Igor Bondarenko was held at the Russian Center of the European Foundation of Slavic Literature and Culture in Bratislava.

The book was written in co-authorship with the Czech historian Professor Josef Doleishi on the basis of archival documents. It tells about the little-studied period of the Cossacks' forced emigration after the October Revolution and the Civil War in Russia.

The presentation took place for the students of the courses, at which the author, Professor Igor Bondarenko made a speech.

The listeners learned interesting and previously unknown facts from the life of the first president of Czechoslovakia and fighter for independence Tomash Masarik, as well as about the independent organizations of the Russian Cossacks that were created on the territory of Slovakia.

At the end of the creative meeting, the audience received books with the author's autograph as a gift and homework in the form of questions about president Tomash Masarik and his follower Eduard Benesh. To prepare the answers, the listeners have to read and comprehend the chapters of the book in Russian.

Other books by the author on the history of Russia, the Armenian genocide, World War II and others were also presented at the meeting. Meetings with authors of books have become a good tradition of the Russian Center.