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Library of the European Slavic Literature and Culture Foundation Recommends Dear readers of the European Slavic Literature and Culture Foundation library!

  We dedicate today's section “RECOMMENDED FOR READING” to the mournful anniversary of the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire (Turkey).

Every year, according to the decision of the European Parliament of 15 April 2015, the date of 24 April is recognised as the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. This date was not chosen by chance. It was on this day in 1915 that the mass extermination of Armenian intellectuals began in Istanbul. Over the period from 1915 – 1923, more than 1.5 million Armenians were annihilated by means of shootings and the so-called "death marches," during which Armenians were sent to the Syrian deserts to die of hunger. Children and women were forcibly Islamised. This led to mass suicides. 

The extermination of Armenians has been recognized as genocide by several countries, including Slovakia (2004).

We would like to introduce you to a unique work on this complex topic – the book trilogy by John Surenovich Akopov and Igor Ivanovich Bondarenko. The trilogy includes two monographs: The Genocide of the Armenian People («Геноцид армянского народа»), the content of which follows from the title, By Strength and the Cross («По силе и крест»), which incorporates a layer of historical research on the history of Russian-Armenian relations, and Crime without Repentance («Преступление без покаяния»). The last publication is devoted to one of the most tragic pages in the history of the Armenian people – the extermination of children during the genocide. 

Now, we would like to dedicate a few words to the authors themselves. John Surenovich Akopov is a retired colonel, an associate professor, a member of the Union of Russian Journalists, and a poet. The laureate of literary competitions is an author of many books, poetry collections, as well as several works and articles on military psychology and pedagogy. John Surenovich is a direct descendant of those Armenians who managed to avoid death during the genocide. During the genocide, Turkish soldiers bayoneted ten siblings of John Surenovich's father. His father himself was miraculously saved by escaping to the railway station to join the retreating Russian troops.

 Igor Ivanovich Bondarenko is a professor, Doctor of Juridical Science, President of the European Slavic Literature and Culture Foundation, and an Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Stop by, read, contemplate!

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