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Slovakia celebrated the Day of Victory over Fascism

  On 8 May 2024, hundreds of people took part in an event in Bratislava to celebrate the 79th anniversary of the Victory over Fascism. Victory over Fascism Day is a public holiday and a rest day in Slovakia.

On this memorable day, official delegations, members of Slovak parliament, public organisations, ordinary citizens and guests of the capital brought flowers to the monument to the Soviet soldier and liberator at the Slavin Memorial in the centre of Bratislava. The Slavin Memorial is the resting place of about seven thousand Soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of Slovakia in 1945.

Representatives of the European Slavic Literature and Culture Foundation paid tribute to the Red Army soldiers who died fighting in Slovakia during the World War II.

It is important to note that this day resonates with sincere gratitude in the hearts of Slovaks. The wreath-laying at the monuments to the Soviet soldiers is taking place throughout the entire country all day long. On this holiday, Slovak motorcyclists from the "BRAT za BRATA" (Brother for Brother) association organised a motorbike rally called "Zem našich hrdinov" (Land of Our Heroes). During the rally, the activists visited 18 localities in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, where they laid wreaths in memory of the fallen soldiers.

It's worth noting that in Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Israel, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and others, Victory Day is celebrated on 9 May. The difference in dates is due to the difference in time zones, because The German Instrument of Surrender was signed in Berlin at 22:43 local time, which is 00:43 Moscow time.  Because of this time difference, Victory for Europe came in the late evening of 8 May, and for the Soviet Union at night on 9 May.

Translation: Samuel Malý